
Cities and countries around the world hosting large international events must provide a substantial number of specific facilities, infrastructure and technical installations to meet the increasing requirements of athletes, the media, sponsors and other stakeholders so as to guarantee a safe and smooth operation of their events. These facilities and infrastructure are often unique with respect to size, quantity and location, and quite often do not fit into an established and sustainable urban development program. Organizers are increasingly faced with the challenge of finding appropriate yet cost-effective solutions and developing a true legacy plan for their large-scale events.


Temporary infrastructure (overlays) and event technology are used to adapt new facilities, upgrade or remodel existing facilities, or even as temporary sports facilities. Temporary infrastructure has increasingly become an important and indispensable factor for organizers of large events. 


Therefore, AGES, together with its members have embarked on a mission to:


     - Represent the global event supplier’s industry taking a pivotal role in the promotion and development of event infrastructure solutions, as well as setting high business standards and supporting innovation in products and processes and through that, becoming a recognized label for quality, safety and sustainability for the event infrastructure industry


     - Contribute to a sustainable and a cost-effective delivery of event infrastructure by developing high standards, guide of practices, sustainability guides, health & safety policies and other templates or tools to facilitate an efficient business environment for governmental bodies, event organizers and the global suppliers


     - Become the partner to governmental bodies, organizers of large events and key stakeholders in the event business to promote the capabilities and build up awareness of our industry, by facilitating knowledge transfer and supporting organizers in the engagement process with the events supplier’s industry.


In this respect, AGES has published a comprehensive Practice Guide for the Planning, Procurement and Delivery of Temporary Infrastructure for Major Events, comprising Part I General Information and Part II Technical Information. These Guides explain the business of our members and are addressed to Organizers, Building Authorities, Governmental Organisations and other stakeholders involved in event infrastructure. The volumes are available in the AGES web shop.


Similarly, AGES published the Sustainability Guide to encourage event suppliers to develop a consistent sustainability strategy and improve their performance. The Guide has a narrative part with chapters about getting ready and how to implement a sustainability management system and a technical part with annexes providing complementary information, checklists, methodologies and other information to assist during the process. The Guide is available free of charge through the AGES web shop. 

Technical Crew Miss Switzerland / Picture: Habegger
Technical Crew Miss Switzerland / Picture: Habegger
AGES Eco System.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 26.8 KB


Association of Global Event Suppliers
Kochergasse 6
CH 3011 Bern, Switzerland


Phone +41 31 311 23 61



Annual Event Booklet 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.7 MB

The new Sustainability Guide is now available in the AGES web shop, free of charge.

Practice Guide, Part I & II are available on our web shop

Press release Practice Guide.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 86.8 KB