Honorary Members

Honorary members are persons, firms, agencies and corporations who have specifically supported AGES in achieving its goal.


The honorary members of AGES are:

Guy Lodge

Guy is responsable for overlays and temporary infrastructure works at many large events and is an experienced IOC Consultant.

Gilbert Felli

Currently Gilbert is the IOC's Senior Olympic Games Advisor. He was the Olympic Games Executive Director until August 2014.


Association of Global Event Suppliers
Kochergasse 6
CH 3011 Bern, Switzerland


Phone +41 31 311 23 61



Annual Event Booklet 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.7 MB

The new Sustainability Guide is now available in the AGES web shop, free of charge.

Practice Guide, Part I & II are available on our web shop

Press release Practice Guide.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 86.8 KB