
Here  you can download Application Forms for memberships, Corporate Information such as the Articles of Incorporations or our Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, the AGES Newsletter and Press and Media representatives will find templates, logo and clippings. Under Conference and General Assembly you will find information about the upcomming AGES events. This information is available for all readers.


In addition, members will find corporate documents, minutes of board meetings, access to recruit young professionals, speakers presentations and templates and checklists elaborated by the working groups. Please log in to access.


Also, we refer to our web shop to get documents published by AGES such as the Practice Guide, Part I and II, the Sustainability Guide and Contract templates. 


If members have forgotten the login code, please send an email to for assistance.


Association of Global Event Suppliers
Kochergasse 6
CH 3011 Bern, Switzerland


Phone +41 31 311 23 61


Annual Event Booklet 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.7 MB

The new Sustainability Guide is now available in the AGES web shop, free of charge.

Practice Guide, Part I & II are available on our web shop

Press release Practice Guide.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 86.8 KB