Working Groups

AGES has set up Working Groups to deal with matters of interest. The Working Groups consist of representatives from the member companies, partners and experts. Each Working Group is headed by a member of the board of AGES.


  • Working Group "Assurance, Tax and Legal"
    This WG collects and compares different existing contract models and proposes a state-of-the art contract template for overlay works contracts, including all sensitive areas, such as liabilities, insurances, guarantees, etc.


  • Working Group " Logistics and Transportation"
    This WG provides a table with temporary importation/exportation provisions for large events to come and assists memebr companies to assess and calculate custom costs


The WG report about work in progress and introduce the deliverables at the annual AGES meetings.


Please find information about the topics, the deliverables and the participants in the attached table.


If you wish to participate in one of the working groups, please contact us by sending an e-mail to info[at] indicating your specific areas of expertise.


Table of IPP Working Groups
Table of IPP WG.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 93.9 KB


Association of Global Event Suppliers
Kochergasse 6
CH 3011 Bern, Switzerland


Phone +41 31 311 23 61


Annual Event Booklet 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.7 MB

The new Sustainability Guide is now available in the AGES web shop, free of charge.

Practice Guide, Part I & II are available on our web shop

Press release Practice Guide.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 86.8 KB