
The members of AGES have adhered to a multi-annual plan in order to achieve the objectives defined in the Mission Statement. Basically the plan contains three main initiatives.


To achieve these objectives, the members are committed to the sharing and compilation of available information, and also to participate in thematic working groups.


AGES is active:

  • Externally, towards governmental bodies, local organizing committees, sports federations and other key stakeholders in the following areas:
    • Increasing awareness of industry-specific aspects
    • Promotion and lobbying, by influencing the stakeholders to adhere to AGES’ standards
    • Creating and facilitating networking opportunities for its members
    • Establishing workshops or webinars outlining critical program milestones to maximize procurement participation from the industry

  Internally, towards its members, in the following areas:

    • Exchange of information and transfer of industry knowledge
    • Development of standardized, international technical and commercial documents
    • Promotion of industry awareness and commitment to ethical commercial dealings

AGES supports event organizers and member companies:

  • Pre-tender phase options, AGES developes, organizes or co-organizes activities with event organizers and member companies interested in such Projects, as listed in the attached overview
AGES Engagement Options 2020.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 124.7 KB


Association of Global Event Suppliers
Kochergasse 6
CH 3011 Bern, Switzerland


Phone +41 31 311 23 61


Annual Event Booklet 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.7 MB

The new Sustainability Guide is now available in the AGES web shop, free of charge.

Practice Guide, Part I & II are available on our web shop

Press release Practice Guide.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 86.8 KB