Conditions to become Member of AGES

To become a Member of AGES, the following prerequisites and conditions need to be fulfilled

  • Fully completed application form including a recommendation by at least one existing member
  • Payment of membership fee (pro rata if membership is granted during the course of a fiscal year)
  • Certification that the applicant has been in business for at least 5 years, is operating adequate facilities, and employs his own personnel 
  • Applicant must acknowledge the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
  • Applicant is in possession of adequate, modern material and/or equipment 
  • Applicant is employing technical staff to secure the professional delivery of his products/works
  • Applicant is a leading provider (by perception) in his home market with a proven track record of having successfully provided overlay services and infrastructure for international events
  • Applicant shall have an international activity or have a leading position covering a large area in his home country (new or large markets)
  • Applicant has a health & safety policy and future-oriented sustainability practices in accordance to the policies and guides issued by AGES

To become an Associate Member of AGES, the following prerequisites need to be fulfilled:

  • Fully completed application form for associate membership
  • Payment of membership fee 
  • The applicant is involved in the planning, delivery or operation of event infrastructure and as such connected to the members business and has a leading position in his business sector


Please note that the memberships, for members or associate members are valid for the calender year and are automatically renewed unless terminated by either party in accordance to the AoI of AGES. 


Association of Global Event Suppliers
Kochergasse 6
CH 3011 Bern, Switzerland


Phone +41 31 311 23 61


Annual Event Booklet 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.7 MB

The new Sustainability Guide is now available in the AGES web shop, free of charge.

Practice Guide, Part I & II are available on our web shop

Press release Practice Guide.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 86.8 KB